Sunday, February 6, 2011

All a Twitter

During the upcoming district day, February 18th, I want to try to leverage Twitter as a back channel for the numerous PD sessions we have going on. We all cannot be in every session, but by using Twitter to share what is going on we get a glimpse inside another session.

Come learn to Tweet! Wednesday Feb 16th from 3:45 - 4:30 in Elluminate <-- Click here to enter the virtual room, try it out!

Tweet! The day of the district day (Feb 18th) using #pwsd

Sweeten the Deal! Every PWSD staff that tweets on the district day will be entered in a draw for some fabulous prizes! (One is an HD Flip Camera)

What do you think? Take a look here for additional resources and a discussion forum!

1 comment:

  1. I want this camera so you can be sure I will be tweeting about our writing workshop that is happening. I'll even use the hashtag #pwsd
    Great idea Jen.
