Thursday, March 3, 2011

#daily5 Chat

This was the 3rd #daily5 chat that I have participated in.  The first in September and the second in October, and I know this fine group has met in between.  Here is the full Elluminate Recording for February 27th.

The first thing I  love about these chats is that if gives me, a non-literacy teacher, a chance to hear what is going on in teacher's classrooms so that I can have a better idea of how to support them. There are so many great ideas discussed, along with what worked and didn't work. 

The second part that I love is I get to meet some fabulous new teachers.  This chat was Sunday at 9 pm our time, many of us in the north west were getting ready for bed.  Then we had two teachers join us from down under!  They were just finishing their school day and heading home for supper.  I now have 5 new twitter friends added to my Personal Learning Network.

Thanks again for including me in your chat!

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