Friday, January 14, 2011

Productivity/Collaboration Meeting with #abed

Darcy, Shelley and myself ventured down to Edmonton Wednesday for a meeting with Alberta Education and participating schools with regards to productivity and collaboration.  Say what?!?!

Peace Wapiti is working on a productivity solution for students.  We have lots of tools at our disposal to access our information.  Both staff and students can use Ecommunity or MyDocuments, to have access to their files and assignments where ever they are.  Teachers also have access to Citrix which allows them to work on their desktop and have access to programs like Word, PowerPoint and Excel.  Alberta teachers also have access to preferential pricing for the office suite.  We are missing this piece for students to have reasonable, inexpensive access to these tools. 

Working with Edmonton Public School Board and Fort McMurray Catholic School Board we are looking at ways to for students to have better access to the tools they need, where they are.  EPSB and FMCSB are exploring Google Apps while we are exploring Live@Edu

Simply Live@Edu gives PWSD students access to Word, PowerPoint and OneNote in the cloud.  This means you do not have to have these programs installed on your computer but rather just have an Internet connection for it to work.  So students can be at home, the library, the mall or at school and have access to the documents and programs they need.   It also offers some unique ways for students to collaborate on a document all at one time. 

Currently Savanna , Harry Balfour and La Glace are working on this trial with us but we are always looking for interested teachers and classrooms.  If you think this is something you would be interested in, please contact myself or Shelley and we will get your logins set up and provide some support to get you started!

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